Bejeweled by rain

I am not a fairweather friend – to my garden or otherwise.  I see beauty in the dreary days even though they may leave us feeling cold.  The gardening season is year round for me.  All that is needed is waterproof boots, raincoat and rubber-dipped gloves.  When these all have a thin film of mud on them, they feel just right.  Even once the weather warms up and the plants have become blousy, I relish the rain showers.  They sometimes do the watering for me and the showers loosen the soil making weeding easier.  There is a freshness to the air.  Still, collective wails lamenting the rain erupt across town as picnics and sporting events are ruined and energetic children feel trapped inside.  Instead, I resolve to wander in the rain and find that beauty.

Some plants will reveal to you a hidden special property that you would miss if you waited for a dry spell.  I appreciate these plants even more on a rainy day.

A tiny drop held in exultation

The hydrophobic nature of the surface of plants combined with the surface tension of water creates this magic.  Sedums of all types are a favorite of mine in the rain.

Dragonfly alchemy

Lady’s mantle holds sparkling droplets of water on its soft leaves.  Alchemists thought this was the purest form of water and would collect it from the leaves for their purposes.  Thus the name Alchemilla mollis.

glossy as though melted: chocolate cosmos

Chocolate cosmos has a fascinating effect of appearing hydrophilic.  Water creates a gloss across all of the usually dark velvety petals.

Courtesy of an autumn mist

Like tears of love

If you find yourself for lack of rain, get out the hose and make some.  What plants look good to you after a rain shower?

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